Download the guardian rss feed address
Download  the guardian rss feed address

download the guardian rss feed address

For example, URL to SBS 普通话电台 (opens new window) is (opens new window), with sbs-mandarin as id, mandarin as dialect, language as zh-hans, and the route is /sbs/chinese/podcast/sbs-mandarin/mandarin/zh-hans (opens new window). When subscribing to podcasts, fill category with podcast. More could be found in the URL of the category/topic page. topic, optional - find it in the URL, or tables below.

download the guardian rss feed address

or subscribe to specific podcast RSS feeds that will, in turn, download to.

  • category, required - find it in the URL, or tables below The MP3 file then receives its own URL, which is inserted into anRSS XML.
  • The following are some of the supported Channel and Topic ids. For other channels, please find the documentId in the source code of the channel page and fill it in as above. The supported channels are all listed in the table below. All Topics in Topic Library (opens new window) are supported, you can fill in the field after topic in its URL, or fill in the documentId.įor example, the URL for Computers and Technology (opens new window) is (opens new window), the field after topic is computers-and-technology, and the documentId of the Topic is 2302, so the route is /abc/computers-and-technology (opens new window) and /abc/2302 (opens new window).

    Download  the guardian rss feed address